Today we made the videos. (See my video bar for finished products)
What an amazing feeling to see these kids so proud of the work they've done. I used a flip camera, which was AMAZING! Immediate editing, title screen and credits! I was able to edit, post and upload in 5 minutes!
Of course I had the kids all sign district video release forms, so I was legit with the legal-ness (I know that's not a word, but it's late, and even English teachers like to use horrible grammar every once in a while). Tomorrow I'll make a potpourri video of those who are turning in their release forms late. I don't want to leave anyone out. I only had a couple kids whose parents didn't want them to do the video - no problem. They still did the assignment.
Today I had them write the answer to two questions correlating with the project: "Why did you choose your sentence?" and "How do you plan on achieving your sentence?"
I told them all today that I learned a whole lot.
From them.
I am really fleshing out the whole idea that I have to learn from the students to be a better teacher.
And I'm growing.
Those were really cool.